How to use HBase Commands in Big Data?

HBase in Big Data.

How to use Hive Commands and Join in Big Data?

HIVE Commands in Big Data

 DML COMMANDS  CREATE: Database, Table SHOW: Databases, Tables, Table Properties, Partitions, Functions, Index DESCRIBE: Database,…


 Features of Hive: It stores schema in a database and processed data into HDFS (Hadoop…

How to write commands in Hadoop

   Hadoop Commands: cat: copy les to stdout, similar to UNIX cat copyFromLocal : copy…

Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop: Hadoop, an open-source software framework provides a platform to work with huge amount of…

Importance of Big Data

Importance of Big Data Big Data gives the platform to bring together the large chunk of…

5V’s of Big Data

Big Data: Big Data is a systematic manner of handling huge amount of data as well…

What is Big Data?

Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi structured and…