How to Handle String in Python

String in Python my_string = ‘Hi’ print(my_string) my_string = “Hi” print(my_string) my_string = ”’Hi”’ print(my_string) #…

How to to count Base in DNA

program to count Base in DNA def count_v2(dna, base): i = 0 for c in dna:…

How to use While_loop and For_loop in Python

 Loops: The while loop statement in Python programming language will repeatedly execute a target statement…

Dictionary in Python

Dictionary: Python dictionary is an unordered/ unorganised collection of items. While the other compound data types…

Tuple in Python

Tuple: In Python, a tuple is similar to a list. The difference between the two is…

List in Python

List: In Python, a list is created by placing all the items inside a square bracket…

Loops in Python

Loops: The while loop statement in Python programming language will repeatedly execute a target statement as…

Introduction to Python

Comments and Variables in Python