Deep Learning

The field of artificial intelligence is essentially when machines can do tasks that typically require human intelligence. It encompasses machine learning, where machines can learn by experience and acquire skills without human involvement. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning where artificial neural networks, algorithms inspired by the human brain, learn from large amounts of data. Similarly to how we learn from experience, the deep learning algorithm would perform a task repeatedly, each time tweaking it a little to improve the outcome. We refer to ‘deep learning’ because the neural networks have various (deep) layers that enable learning. Just about any problem that requires “thought” to figure out is a problem deep learning can learn to solve.

“Deep learning algorithms run data through several “layers” of neural network algorithms, each of which passes a simplified representation of the data to the next layer”.


Areas of deep learning:

1)  Virtual assistants

2) Translations

3) Vision for driverless delivery trucks, drones and autonomous cars.

4) Chatbots and service bots

5) Image colorization

6) Facial recognition

7) Medicine and pharmaceuticals

8) Personalized shopping and entertainment


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