Evolutionary History of Databases

Computer Systems have become the most important part of our daily routine life. Most of the departments and companies are implementing the office automation concepts to make their working automated. As soon as the organization expands data storage and its manipulation becomes a real challenge. In 1960’s few of the companies started using main frame computers using programs designed for computers like COBOL & FORTRAN. Manipulating large amount of data may cause uncontrolled redundancy, non flexible data, inconsistent data, bad implementation of defined standards and system malfunction.

In early 1964, a concept of Management Information System (MIS) was introduced. This was specially defined to generate computer methods. These methods were supposed to use with the future computer system, to perform data manipulation.

In between 1970 to 1972, scientist E.F. Codd proposed relational database model, which was used to re-define the concepts of using databases. His model includes the concepts of database schema, which was capable of storing data, hiding its storage details. This became the universal principle of database systems.

In between 1974 and 1977, two of the major RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), were created. The first one was Ingres and it was developed at UBC with System R, which was developed by IBM. This system was using a query language named as QUEL and it was used to create systems such as MS SQL Server, Ingres Corp., and Sybase. Apart from this, System R was using SEQUEL query language, which was used to develop Oracle, DB@, SQL and Non stop SQL. During this time period DBMS (Database Management System) really became a well know and well recognize term.

In early 1976, one scientist named P. Chen, introduced a new concept of data models. During this year a new data model named Entity-Relationship model (ER model) was developed and introduced. This model was basically designed to create physical data flow diagrams. This was very useful for the initial practice for a system being developed. Under this model, designers of the system make a focus on the data application and data flow rather than how it will be implemented?

1980’s became the decade were Structured Query Language (SQL) became the standard query language. During this time period, RDBMS earned commercial success due to drastic sale in the computer market, which rapidly increased its popularity.  This was the decade in which major decline in the popularity of network and hierarchal database model was recorded. At that time IBM developed many new database companies, who designed many database systems like RBASE, Dbase III & IV , RIM, OS/2 and Database Manager etc.

In early 1990’s, several application development tools were developed, which were using Oracle Developer, VB, PowerBuilder etc. Microsoft launched Microsoft Office, which defined the concepts of using ODBC, Excel and Access. This was the time when rules of Object Database Management System (ODBMS) were defined.

Mid of 1990’s introduction of the Internet gave a wide expansion to the database industry. This was the time when users thought the World started using client server approach to get required information.

In late 1990’s concepts of online business and online transactions evolved. This gave a high rise in demand for web applications that are capable of connecting with the database to provide information required by the user. To fulfil this requirement some systems like Java 2 Enterprise Edition, Oracle Developer 2000, Front Page, Active Server Pages and Dream Weaver etc., were designed.

In the year 2000 and onwards, the Internet industry faced lots of ups and downs but database industry was still growing. During this decade interactive web applications were in demand, which require a lot more information from our databases. Presently, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle are the leading companies working on database applications.

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